Outdoor Tech Mantas True Wireless Earbuds blog.

There is a lot bad quality when it comes to wireless headphones, however the Outdoor Tech Mantas true wireless earbuds present a wonderful wireless product for an affordable price. These true wireless earbuds are amazing and you can visit outdoor technology’s official website to purchase it for an affordable price.

Let’s start off…

To start off the blog I would like to say that I personally am not a fan of wireless things. We will get into why this is later, but this is important to note when reading this blog. I very much prefer the wire. However, with the phone I currently have this is not an option, therefore I am forced to use Bluetooth. This has led to me trying different types of wireless headphones I have had very horrible ones, and I have also had some amazing ones.

When it comes to the Outdoor Tech Mantas earbuds, I can defiantly say that they are above average quality if you compare them to other headphones for this price. However, there are some drawbacks which I will get into later in the blog.

The first thing I can say about the Outdoor Tech Mantas is that they are very comfortable. They are good for working out or running in. Personally I like how they sit in my ears. They also have a flexible piece that goes around your
ear. I’m guessing this is made for easy access and to be comfortable to more people. These earbuds are also sweat resistant, so you do not have to worry about ruining them if you sweat a lot.

Another thing I would like to mention about these headphones is that they have a very good sound quality overall, but especially the bass. The bass on these headphones is extremely good. You can also talk to people on the phone in these. The headphones have a small mic in them which is used for calls and voice chats. Me and my brother tested it out and came to the conclusion that it was also very good.

The controls:

Right earbud: double tap pause, triple tap next track.
Left earbud: Double tap pause, triple tap previous track, one tap volume up, press and hold, volume down.

This earbuds are great, however, not with their drawbacks. The first thing you will probably notice if you are watching a YouTube video for example, is that the audio is not synchronized with the video. I do not know if this is a problem with these headphones or a general blutooth problem. Personally I would probably chalk it up to the blutooth. I have had this same problem with other wireless headphones, and usually the delay was even longer and more annoying.

Another thing to mention is that to turn off these headphones, you must hold the power button for a significantly long time. I think this is made so that you do not accidentally turn them off if you accidentally press the power button but still, seems slightly excessive.


Anyways that is it for this blog! Thank you to everyone who visits our website and watches our videos! Speaking of our videos, you can view the video that we did about these true wireless earbuds here:

You can also pick up these earbuds from amazon for a very affordable price.